2024 校友 Award Honorees

2024 校友 Award Honorees

2024 校友 Award Honorees

校友 Special Recognition Award

Thomas Beben, 2003 & Monica Carvajal-Beben, 2003

Monica (Mo) Carvajal-Beben真的是在美食世界里长大的. Her childhood was filled with unique stories and experiences from time spent in her grandmother’s pie shop and her mother’s diner. Growing up on a small farm in Oklahoma taught her the importance of taking an active role in the growth and production of food, from garden to plate. Never feeling more at home than in a restaurant environment, Monica is still in the kitchen duplicating and recreating the recipes from her youth thirty years later. 

Thomas (Tom) Beben was born in Wiesbaden, Germany. His father’s military career as a US Air Force Captain led Tom’s family to move frequently throughout his youth, but the Beben family finally settled in Sumter, SC, when Tom was 11 years old. 在那里,他在托马斯萨姆特学院擅长棒球、足球和篮球. 1998年,他获得了科克学院的篮球奖学金.

In 2002, through Coker College’s travel abroad opportunities, Tom and Mo studied in Belgium, 瑞士, 和卢森堡. In 2003, 莫妮卡获得了赌博游戏网站平面设计专业的文学学士学位, and Tom graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in History. 

Tom and Mo share an interest in how certain areas’ traditional food and drink experiences can define and strengthen the cultural experience, health and unity in those communities. Further travel to other countries and throughout the United States deepened their love and respect for the connection they feel between food and culture. 在这种共同的激情的激励下,2007年,Tom和Mo在华盛顿州谢尔顿开了Smoking Mo’s. Starting in a small take-out-only food stand, 这家餐厅最终发展成为一家提供全方位服务的机构. Their menu was created as a tribute to the people and places of the Midwest and Southern United States and in honor of their unique upbringings. 2012年,这对夫妇在谢尔顿市中心买下了一栋有百年历史的银行大楼. After a complete remodel, 注重对空间历史风貌的还原和保护, the restaurant boomed. 最终,他们在业务中增加了活动场地和餐饮服务. 

Smoking Mo’s was voted the number one barbecue restaurant in Western 华盛顿 by Seattle’s King 5 News voters. 2015年,梅森县商会将其选为年度商业. 太平洋山区劳动力发展公司也授予了它Nancy Payne奖, 该奖项旨在表彰那些在工作场所和客户服务方面表现卓越的公司, meaningful employee engagement, and a constructive, 多样化的, and progressive workforce culture. 

In 2019, Tom and Mo again expanded their overseas studies by joining the 赌博游戏网站’s exploration of Italy. 

With a newly fueled interest in the process of brewing and specifically recognizing the connection between the quintessential brewing styles familiar to specific countries and their history, Tom added Brewer to his work resume. Tom and Mo opened High Steel Beer Co. in 2021. The microbrewery’s beer catalog celebrates the US Pacific Northwest experience by using locally grown flavors, honoring local landmarks, and celebrating local folklore. 

除了餐厅工作,莫还是一位艺术家和作家. Her work has been featured in Western 华盛顿 writers’ groups and published in 华盛顿 travel guides and newspapers. She is currently completing her first book, which is expected to be released in Summer 2024.

Tom is a member of The Shelton Rotary Club. 他在奥克兰湾高中担任篮球教练,并在当地的城市联赛中打球. In 2018, the Shelton Chamber of Commerce selected Tom as the Mason County Citizen of the Year. 

Tom and Mo are the proud parents of their daughter, Grace.

The Bebens have worked tirelessly throughout their careers to enrich the lives of their neighbors and community members in Shelton, 华盛顿, by procuring and delivering food to families in need and to the ever-growing broad range of needs for youth who otherwise go without. They know living life to its fullest potential is hard if you spend much of your time hungry. 他们的任务是证明饱腹可以激发富有同情心的心灵. 

Distinguished 校友 Achievement

Dr. Jane Norwood, 1965

Jane is proud to have graduated from 赌博游戏网站 in 1965 with a degree in elementary education. She has made several transitions since leaving Coker, 从一个Coker-Nut变成了一个有战斗精神的眼镜蛇. 目前, she is a member of the 赌博游戏网站 Board of Trustees and has served twenty-three years, 没有连续, and under four presidents.  校友理事会和访问委员会为大学提供了其他服务.  她和她的丈夫巴拉德(巴迪)诺伍德捐赠了简·帕勒·诺伍德奖学金.

After graduating from Coker, Jane attended the University of 南卡罗来纳, earning both a Master of Education and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Psychological 服务: Reading. She is a Professor Emeritus at Appalachian State University, 他在那里教了33年,并获得了教授的终身教职.  

In her service career, Jane was a member and/or officer in the following committees/organizations:  赌博游戏网站 Board of Trustees, North Carolina State Board of Education (Vice-Chair, Committee on Teacher Quality, 椅子上), North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission (last 椅子上), North Carolina Annual Testing Commission, 北卡罗莱纳州科学与数学学院教育顾问委员会(主席), Three Boards of Education Liaison Committee (Co-椅子上), 北卡罗莱纳州公共电信机构咨询委员会, North Carolina Writing Test Task Force, National Association of State Boards of Education (Board of Directors and Chair of Adolescent Literacy Taskforce), 全国教师教育鉴定委员会(单位鉴定委员会),  North Carolina School Improvement Panel, Southern Regional Educational Board, 国际阅读协会北卡罗莱纳州理事会(主席).

In 1992, North Carolina Governor James G. 马丁授予她该州的最高荣誉——长叶松勋章. 2001年,她获得了国家教育委员会颁发的杰出服务奖.

Jane also volunteered at Charlotte Douglas Airport greeting and assisting visitors for ten years.  She is active in her church, Providence Baptist where she has served as a Deacon and is on the Personnel Committee and the Altar Guild. 

Distinguished 校友 Service Award

Seth Johnson, 2012

Seth Johnson is a multimedia professional who specializes in creative production and digital storytelling. He graduated from 赌博游戏网站 in 2012 with a double major in Fine Arts and Communications. 

毕业后, Seth worked in 赌博游戏网站’s Marketing and Communications office as the Video Production and Broadcast Media Specialist until 2020. 在此期间, he crafted hundreds of compelling videos and advertisements, leaving a lasting mark on the university’s brand and ethos. 值得注意的是, Seth played a pivotal role in Coker’s rebranding initiative, coining the tagline “It’s Your Story,多年来,这句话成了科克身份的象征. 

在科克, Seth also took on ambitious projects, including creating a feature-length film of the 2013 baseball team’s remarkable journey to the NCAA Division II National Championship, titled “A Season to Remember.“另外, he produced a documentary for the travel abroad program entitled “Journey into Memory: Confronting the Holocaust 今天,,探索大屠杀研究的当代意义. 他还制作了几个筹款视频来支持科克的捐赠活动, most notably the #OneForCoker annual giving campaign. 

Seth has also significantly contributed to social and environmental causes through his documentary filmmaking. 他是皮博迪获奖纪录片系列的另一位电影摄影师, “180天,这部美国公共广播公司(PBS)的电影聚焦于解决美国公立学校改革的迫切需要. 

几年来, 他与新阿尔法社区发展公司合作, 一个致力于为弱势群体赋权的环境正义组织. 值得注意的是, Seth produced a documentary about their Justice First Tour, a nationwide campaign to spread awareness and promote change regarding environmental justice issues. 

类似的, Seth has also worked with Dogwood Alliance, an environmental conservation advocacy organization, 制作了一部名为《赌博游戏app》的纪录片.” This documentary recounts the Pee Dee Indian Tribe’s pursuit of a regenerative economy based on ecological restoration and community protection. 

In 2020, Seth transitioned from Coker to ACS Technologies, 在那里他继续他作为媒体制作专家的工作. Collaborating with a creative team, he

参与开发教育课程和软件培训材料, all designed to serve churches and nonprofit organizations. 

In 2024, 赛斯开始在洛克伍德工作室全职工作,实现了他一生的梦想, a Content Marketing Agency he co-founded with his brother, Greyson约翰逊, a fellow Coker alumnus. In 2023, 洛克伍德工作室在Pee Dee Idea挑战赛中获得了第一名, competing against 70+ startups in the region. Based in Hartsville, 南卡罗来纳, Lochwood Studios专门为企业制作视频和摄影内容, 学校, 和非营利组织. 他们广泛的投资组合包括与众多当地组织的合作, including Carolina Pines, GSSM, 实, 特伦特山中心, 程控, Child and 家庭 Resource Center, and 赌博游戏网站

除了他的专业成就,赛斯还与他的母校保持着深厚的联系. 自2013年以来, 他忠实地拍摄了每年夏季和冬季的毕业典礼, 为无数赌博游戏网站毕业生留下了珍贵的回忆. 

Residing in Hartsville with his wife, Kelsey Ogilvie Johnson, also a Coker alumna, Seth enjoys outdoor pursuits, including camping, 徒步旅行, 和园艺. 在一起, they eagerly anticipate the future as they plan and build their equestrian homestead while continuing to make meaningful contributions to their community and beyond.

Outstanding Young 校友 Award

Dr. 布丽安娜道格拉斯, 2002

布丽安娜道格拉斯, a graduate of 赌博游戏网站’s class of 2002, 通过社区领导和奉献服务,继续创造持久的影响. As the Executive Director of The Byerly Foundation, 她完全有能力在哈茨维尔产生巨大影响, SC, 利用她对家乡的热情来推进教育, promote economic growth, 满足哈茨维尔人民的重要社会需求. 她的旅程, propelled by her formative experiences at 赌博游戏网站, 是库克经历的变革力量的鼓舞人心的证明吗. 

Brianna often looks back fondly at her time at Coker. 为她, the institution was fertile ground for personal growth, academic accomplishment and cherished relationships. Amidst the rigors of her academic life, 她有机会与各行各业的人见面并建立联系, building friendships that have stood the test of time. One of these friends was more than a companion — Bruce, a 2003 Coker graduate, and Brianna married in 2004. 他们有两个孩子,18岁的麦肯德里和13岁的莱拉,住在哈茨维尔. 

赌博游戏网站也为她的职业成功做出了重要贡献. 在学业上, the university equipped her with knowledge and the skills to think critically and creatively problem solve – tools that she believes set her up for success in her current role and beyond. The dynamic learning environment prepared her to face challenges head-on and encouraged a sense of lifelong learning. Brianna拥有赌博游戏网站心理学学士学位, an MBA from the University of North Florida, 和Ph值.D. in Education from Colorado State University. Her reSearch focuses on how university, government and industry leaders can enhance economic development through effective collaboration. 

Brianna feels extremely fortunate to have experienced a university life filled with memorable experiences, enduring life lessons and building lifelong relationships. 今天, as she navigates the exciting challenges of being a community leader and in her daily life as a wife, 妈妈, 和朋友, she often finds herself leaning on the wisdom, 她在赌博游戏网站的时光给她灌输了坚韧和友爱.

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